How to have the best end of the year ever || Healing Diary

Hey, hi, hello, and aloha to each and every one of you! Welcome back to my blog, where we drink coffee and talk about unfuckingup our lives in the easiest way possible!

If you missed my last post, then you probably missed out on that girl trend. 
In my previous text, I wrote about the Tik Tok trend and my take on it, with every point being made slowly into separate posts.
And what do you think, here is the first in-depth post in the series!

In my signature style, we begin the series by making a 

6 months plan for the rest of the year!

In this post, we will cover what to include in your 6 months plan, how to plan it all out, where to plan it, and so on!

If this sounds interesting to you, be sure to subscribe to follow up the whole series, and continue reading down below!

1. Choosing the goals 

First and foremost you gotta figure out what you want to do and how you want your year-end to look like.
Get a junk piece of paper to brainstorm, and start writing down your values.
Another great exercise to do at this point is to write down every single detail of a perfect day and how and what would you like to do at any point in time by the end of the year.

It sounds overly complicated but here is an example

"I wake up at 6 in the morning and the first thing I do is meditate. Then I put on this type of outfit and I go and make this kind of coffee. I eat this for breakfast, I go to that job, I work out when I finish the job..." 

You get the point! 

Then, make it into chunks of goals:

A) I wake up at 6
B) I go plant-based
C) I get healthy 
D) I change my job

2. Setting the daily steps

Now that you have your big chunk goals, it's time to cut them up into bite-sized pieces.
How are you going to wake up at 6? 
Assess the situation first, and then take baby steps. Start waking up 15 minutes earlier each day until you reach your goal. Or, change up your morning and evening routines. 

Do this for every single goal that you have on this list. 

Guide yourself with this question: 

What would a person that does this do on a daily basis? 
What would a person that wakes up at 6 in the morning do at night? 
What would a plant-based person choose for breakfast? 
What would an organized and neat person do in this situation? 

These questions will help you basically pretend like you are already that person. 

3. Find your why

All of these things are great on paper, but unless you have a powerful why behind all of those habits and goals, chances are that you will fall off the motivation train quite fast.

Your whys need to stem from a very strong point inside of you.

Why do you want to wake up early?  

Why do you want to become healthy? 

Why do you want to change your job and find a new one? 

Your whys are what will push you out of bed when the alarm rings at 6 AM, and they are what will get you to work towards that new job position. 

Use journaling to figure out why those things are important to you. 
If you struggle to find your why then maybe this goal really isn't important to you, so you can easily discard it. 

Through this process, you will eliminate the unnecessary and the unwanted, and you will hone down on what truly makes you and your goals yours.

Now, here are some ideas for goals to include in your 6 months plan, that might help you out with the brainstorming session:

◖Uplift your apartment/living space 
-clean the cupboards in the kitchen
-take out things from the garage and donate
-get a new couch

◖Start your own business 
research type of business you are interested in
-open a bank account for ...
-registrations of companies 

◖Start a savings account 
-research banks
-go and inform yourself in the bank

◖Lose/gain weight 
change diet
-start working out

◖Do a handstand 
-practice every day at 8PM
-do handstand drills
-watch tutorials

◖Start a blog/YouTube channel 
-research niches
-pick a name
-brainstorm post/video ideas

◖Change your style/hair/clothes etc 
-look up on Pinterest to see what you like
-online window shopping
-creating a budget
-creating a vision board

◖Buy... (this can be big or small, it's really up to you) 

-research brands 
-see the price range
-make a savings plan

There you have it guys, the first post in the That Girl series!
Let me know what you think down below or find me on my social media!
What will you include in your 6 months plan? Was this a helpful post? 

Don't be shy, I'm open for chats! Let's be friends!

You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter!

◗●◖l e t ' s     h e a l     t o g e t h e r ◗●◖

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