Time management tips || Blogtober #14

"Take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves." - Lord Chesterfield

Hey, hi, hello and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, a place where we drink comical amounts of coffee and discuss how we can make our lives just a bit better!

If you just popped by, Blogtober is a series that I started on my blog, where I post daily content for the 

Today I wanted to make an easy-to-read list of time management skills that have helped me tremendously in getting my shit together. 
Time management is a big, if not the biggest part of getting your shit in one place, as without it, well... You kind of don't have time. 
So, for all my newbies out there, peeps who want to get their shit together but don't know where to start, the list continues right down bellow!

1. Get a planner
Use the planner to write everything that is happening in your life down, and organize it in priority categories!

2. Set deadlines
If you give yourself 30 days to clean your house, that is exactly how long it will take you to do it. Fun fact- give yourself 3 hours and the same thing happens. Give yourself constant deadlines, which will serve to guide you through your day!

3. Learn to say no
Sometimes, we're faced with situations in which we aren't necessarily happy. The worst is when you know that there was something else you wanted to do, but you didn't want to turn out to be a jackass. Learn to say no, and if you do it in a polite way, nobody will be upset.

4. Routinize, routinize, routinize
Work on getting some routines into your daily schedule, to get certain things out of your way, such as reading, working out, journaling, cleaning, etc. When you routinize things, they become easy, like second nature, and that way you will be able to focus on other things.

5. You touch it, you put it back
I can't tell you how many hours in my life I had spent on just putting things back in their place. It's boring, and especially tedious if you leave it all for at the end of the day, or even longer.
Get into the habit of putting things back in place. It will save you time and energy that you can invest into something much more important

There we go guys, my top 5 time management tips that have helped me get my shit together! What is on your top 5 time management list? Did I miss out something important? 

If you have any questions or suggestions you can find me on my socials! 

here or here

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
