Hi, hello, aloha, and welcome to each and every one of you precious souls!
Welcome back for another post on my cheesy little corner of the vast internet!
How have you been? I feel like we don't talk to each other at all!
Don't be shy, let's be friends!
Sorry I have been M.I.A. for a while, but something kind of crappy and very exciting happened to me.
For the longest time, my biggest insecurity has been my teeth.
Last week, my wisdom tooth started doing some funny business, so I had to go and get some dental surgery done.
Yes, the surgery part is crappy, but I am also very excited to finally start working on that problem.
For the longest time, my biggest insecurity has been my teeth.
Last week, my wisdom tooth started doing some funny business, so I had to go and get some dental surgery done.
Yes, the surgery part is crappy, but I am also very excited to finally start working on that problem.
Anywho, that's why I was away- the tooth destroying by a very un-gentle lady dentist.
Now that I am back, and feeling a bit better, let us continue our that girl series.
If you don't know, I started a chain of blogposts about being that girl- the girl who is just thriving in every way possible.
If you don't know, I started a chain of blogposts about being that girl- the girl who is just thriving in every way possible.
For today, we have a fun lil' post that has to do something about my favorite thing in the world...
If this sparks your interest, then keep reading about it!
disclaimer: I am not a specialist, nor a doctor, nor a fitness instructor. I am just writing about what works for me. Consult your doctor before applying any changes to your diet and physical exercise!
Food is something that seems like it should be easy, but in reality a lot of people struggle with it.
I have been one of those people as well.
Food and I haven't always been best friends.
I have been a bit chubby as a kid, and ever since then I am terrified of scales and pants shopping.
From that fear showed up a thing in my life that I couldn't label as an E.D. but that said, I was still eating one time in 2-3 days.
I'd like to think that with lots of work I made great strides towards "recovery" and I definitely have better relationship with food nowadays.
Here are a few of the tricks I use to keep myself as healthy as possible, without feeling restricted whatsoever:
1. Preparation is the key
Once a week (usually), I go to the supermarket to get my weekly groceries.
I carefully plan out the list, and I do it so that I always have a healthier option at home.
How that would look is kinda like this- I do get a bag of chips, but I also make sure that I stock up on fresh fruits and veggies.
I also make sure that I have some healthy staples in my pantry to whip up a quick healthy recipe.
Once a week (usually), I go to the supermarket to get my weekly groceries.
I carefully plan out the list, and I do it so that I always have a healthier option at home.
How that would look is kinda like this- I do get a bag of chips, but I also make sure that I stock up on fresh fruits and veggies.
I also make sure that I have some healthy staples in my pantry to whip up a quick healthy recipe.
2. When in doubt- choose fresh.
Whenever I get a craving, I try to tame it with fresh foods first. So if I feel like eating something as a snack, I try to cut up some fruit and see how that makes me feel afterwards.
If I still have the craving, I'll indulge in it, but 99% of the time, my craving goes away after my snack.
Whenever I get a craving, I try to tame it with fresh foods first. So if I feel like eating something as a snack, I try to cut up some fruit and see how that makes me feel afterwards.
If I still have the craving, I'll indulge in it, but 99% of the time, my craving goes away after my snack.
3. I avoid processed sugars
I used to be addicted to cookies and chocolate and ice-creams and all of that. Now, I try my best to stay away from processed sugars, and I get my sugar intake from whole foods.
It isn't always easy, and sometimes (usually around my period) I do have a cookie or a chocolate, but most of the times I try to stay away from them.
4. Drinking lots of water changes your life
I know this is the most basic advice anybody can give you.
But let's put the physical benefits of enough water aside.
When you drink lots of water, it kind of gets you in that "I am a healthy queen" mindset and then it's way easier to nourish yourself and to follow a fitness plan and so on.
Try to always have a water bottle on you, whether that is on your work desk, in your bag, in your car...
I know this is the most basic advice anybody can give you.
But let's put the physical benefits of enough water aside.
When you drink lots of water, it kind of gets you in that "I am a healthy queen" mindset and then it's way easier to nourish yourself and to follow a fitness plan and so on.
Try to always have a water bottle on you, whether that is on your work desk, in your bag, in your car...
5. Supplements and vitamins
I am not an expert on this at all, I only follow what my therapist told me to do.
I take vitamins D, B, and C as well as magnesium. Every month I also buy a box of probiotics (in the box there are ten capsules) and I finish that as well.
My therapist told me that this renews the flora of your stomach, and once you do that, your gut begins to produce the happy hormones? Like I said, I am not 100% sure. If you know more about vitamins- TEACH ME! haha
I am not an expert on this at all, I only follow what my therapist told me to do.
I take vitamins D, B, and C as well as magnesium. Every month I also buy a box of probiotics (in the box there are ten capsules) and I finish that as well.
My therapist told me that this renews the flora of your stomach, and once you do that, your gut begins to produce the happy hormones? Like I said, I am not 100% sure. If you know more about vitamins- TEACH ME! haha
Talk with your doctor and see if you even need supplements. Whatever you do, don't do it on your own.
Consult an expert before taking any measures.
Consult an expert before taking any measures.
6. I don't count anything.
I don't calculate my macros, I don't watch for the calories, I don't look at the portion sizes. I don't look at the time to see if it's "too late to eat".
I simply listen to my body, and give it food when it feels depleted.
Some days I eat more, some days I eat less, it all depends on multiple factors.
I don't calculate my macros, I don't watch for the calories, I don't look at the portion sizes. I don't look at the time to see if it's "too late to eat".
I simply listen to my body, and give it food when it feels depleted.
Some days I eat more, some days I eat less, it all depends on multiple factors.
Listen to yourself and get in tune with your gut.

7. Make it fun!
What I mean by this is- please don't eat plain cooked rice with plain cooked chicken and call it a meal.
Add spices and herbs, try out new techniques, give it a go with new sauces.
Make it fun, experiment with flavors and different products.
I mean if you make the healthy food boring, what do you think- how likely are you to actually eat the healthy food? Didn't think so!

7. Make it fun!
What I mean by this is- please don't eat plain cooked rice with plain cooked chicken and call it a meal.
Add spices and herbs, try out new techniques, give it a go with new sauces.
Make it fun, experiment with flavors and different products.
I mean if you make the healthy food boring, what do you think- how likely are you to actually eat the healthy food? Didn't think so!
There we go guys, gals and all in between! These are my go-to hacks for eating healthy and enough!
What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
What do you do to keep yourself healthy?
How do you make healthy choices?
Comment down below or find me on my social media!
You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter!
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