When Life Throws You A Curve Ball || Getting Back On Track

Hi! Hello! Aloha! 
Welcome to my blog, where we often talk about the best possible ways to unfuckup our lives!

How have you been? 

Me? I haven't been doing that well honestly, and life has been really testing me recently. 
You know that feeling when everything seem to be going sideways all at once?
Yeah, that.

So it got me thinking about all my different coping mechanisms that I have when life decides that I really need a lemonade in my life. 

If you've been stuck in a rut, or have been in need of just getting back on track with your goals, then just keep on reading!

1. Realize that everything happens for a reason
This is my number one coping mechanism. As soon as all things start going downhill, I know that Universe is cooking up something real nice for me. 
What I mean by this is that whenever life becomes kind of too difficult, it is usually because there is a massive shift about to happen in your life, and this period of your life is getting you ready for it. 
Life has weird ways, and once you kind of learn how to go through it with understanding, it all starts to seem a bit easier. 

2. Go away
I am sure that you did notice that I am completely gone from all of my socials. 
Partially because all of my technology pieces got broken at the same time, but also because whenever I feel an inner turmoil I like to go inwards and focus on getting myself better.
This time I also went away to our summer house, so I was quite literally going away, ha!
Distance yourself from all of the things which are a) not a priority or b) are bringing in more stress then you already have. 
This could mean that you go on a solo vacation (or with chosen people), that you go M.I.A. on social medias and you only answer the phone when your mom is calling you, or any other way of going full hermit mode 

3. Reorganize your thoughts
I do this often, and I recommend you do this as soon as you feel like your mind is cluttered. 
While I use my mindset journal for this, any type of writing tools will do. 
Make a brain dump of everything that is bothering you, how you think it came to that, and what would make you feel better about it. 
For example, lets say you feel like your overall health is not very good right now and it is making you feel upset. How did it get to it? Were you indulging in some less-than-good habits because it is the summer? Whatever it is, write the reason down without any judgement. State it as a matter of fact. Then, write down ideally what would make you feel better about it? You can just write down the simple solution, or you can go full list mode and make a step-by-step guide on how you plan to fix the issue

4. Baby steps
Please don't make the same mistake I do... You can't fix it all at once. I promise.
Instead of trying to do it all in one hour, give yourself time and space to actually go through the steps and to do what will make you feel good. 
If you are in a rut, or life is really testing you with the erotic side of itself, chances are that you will not be able to wake up super early, and go for a run, and clean your whole house, and find a job, and lose 5 pounds and change your whole wardrobe. Y'a feel me? 

There it is, my easiest little tricks on getting out of a rut. 
Now that I am slowly coming out of it, you can expect more content out on my blog, as well as something exciting cooking up on my other social medias (as soon as I fix my freaking phone!)

You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter!

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