Summer Bucket List || Summer Notes

Hey, hi, hello, and aloha to each and every one of you!
Welcome back to my blog, where we drink coffee and talk about unfuckingup our lives in the easiest way possible!

Today, I am feeling very... Summery. Yes, I am well aware that there has already been a week into June, but I wanted to make a little summer bucket list for us, filled with ideas we could do to fill out our days and make our summers really the best ones we've ever had!

1. Sunbathe
2. Find summer flowers and press them
3. Wear a flower crown the whole day, just because
4. Make your own ice cream
5. Try a new lemonade recipe
6. Go swimming somewhere you didn't go before
7. Make a summer diary, and write in it every day about your day
8. Start a blog
9. Do yoga outside
10. Make a perfect summer playlist to listen to
11. Go to the farmer's market and buy lots of fresh veggies
12. Try to go meatless for a week (if you're not already) 
13. Try to do a one-month challenge this summer
14. Rearrange your furniture so you get the most sun on you 
15. Try to wake up with the sunrise 
16. Go to a forest and pick up cute leaves 
(then put them in the diary)
17. Learn 5 phrases in your favorite language
18. Make a reading list
19. Make a second half of the year goal list 
20. Try a new clothing style

There we go, a sweet and cute list for all of us that we can use as guidelines for our best summer ever!
What is on your bucket list? Let me know down below or reach out on my social medias!

You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram or Twitter!

Don't be shy, I'm open for chats! Let's be friends!

◗●◖l e t ' s     h e a l     t o g e t h e r ◗●◖

o m e g a


  1. Hello Omega, long time no see! I like the new aesthetic of your blog. Tell me, would you ever be interested in doing Q&A on your blog or maybe TikTok? I firmly believe that'd be lit. Some of my favorites have done that, like CalmEats and ReadingWithAlison. That would be very neat as I like learning more about people whose blogs I follow.

    1. Hello! I am super glad that you like the new aesthetic!
      Yes, I could possibly do a Q&A on my TikTok probably, so, if you do have any questions you can shoot it here or on my socials and I can answer them in a video!
      Have a great day!


    2. 1. What inspired you to start writing?
      2. Where do you draw inspiration from?
      3. Who's your favorite blogger?
      4. If you had 5 wishes, what would they be?
      5. Do you have any pets?
      6. How long does it take for you to write one post?
      7. Have you met any bloggers?
      8. If not, who'd you like to meet?
      9. Sorry if this question is too personal, but what's your relationship status?
      10. What's your life motto?

    3. Hey, just wanted to let you know that I didn’t forget about the Q&A but I have some dental things to do so it’s kind of hard to speak. I will film it as soon as I can and I will let you know when it goes live on my TikTok! Thank you for the patience!
