Being That Girl || Healing Diary

Hi, hello, aloha, and welcome to each and every one of you precious souls!
Welcome back for another post on my cheesy little corner of the vast internet!

How have you been? I feel like we don't talk to each other at all! 
Don't be shy, let's be friends!

If you've been on Tik Tok, you may have noticed the trend of becoming "that girl". 
I've at first noticed a few posts and then suddenly that was the only thing that I watched.
I am obsessed with the trend, with the name, as well as with the aesthetic of it all.  

If you haven't seen it, that girl is the girl that truly has her shit together. Think of it like Pinterest embodied in one cute face mask-wearing person that has a consistent schedule, eats healthy, works out, and really tries her best to live life to the fullest.

And ever since I have seen the trend, I have decided to try my best to be that girl.

That got me wondering, how the hell am I supposed to do that? 

So of course, after a lil itsy bit of research, I have conducted a list containing a few things that we can do to truly be that aesthetic girl.

This is an introduction post with the list, where all of the things will be explained in detail in separate posts throughout the following month. 

1. Make a 6 months plan.
Make a goal sheet for everything that you want to be/feel/see/do by the end of this year.
You can approach to this with the S.M.A.R.T. technique, or however else do you do your goals.

2. Create a consistent workout schedule
It's really time to get our health in check, so for starters, make a workout schedule for yourself. 
You can join a gym and get a trainer to help you, but there are also lots of tutorials and videos to follow on Youtube

3. Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water
Working out is only 20% of health. You will help yourself out the most by monitoring what you eat and how much fluids you're intaking. Don't get too obsessed with calories, in my humble opinion that really doesn't matter. Keep in mind to eat fresh, unprocessed foods that nourish your body and soul! 

4. Visualize, manifest, affirm!
VMA is my go-to mantra when I feel like I am stuck in life.
Visualize yourself getting there.
Manifest your goals by talking to the universe.
Use morning affirmations to really set the foundations for your days!

5. Positive routines
Create quality morning and evening routines to really help you get to your goals. 
Think of how you want your mornings/evenings to look and try to incorporate things for which you know will guide you towards your goals. 

6. Better yourself every day
Try to do something that will improve you in any way possible every single day. 
That could be working on your hobby, learning more about starting your own business, reading a book, practicing handstands, or even watching a really cool Youtube video about how they used to dress up cats in the 1890s. It is really up to you, but try not to allow yourself to stop evolving and upgrade your knowledge every single day (if possible!)

7. Show up as your best self every single day
For me, that means looking my best, trying my best, and really acting like I already am that girl.
Try your best to really show up as your Higher Self every day! 

These are the 7 things that I am doing to get closer to being that girl

What do you think of this concept? Will you do any of these things? How do you want to try to achieve being that girl? Let me know! 

Like I have said at the beginning of the post, each of these will be explained in detail in future posts so stay tuned! Don't forget to subscribe by e-mail to get the weekly newsletter straight to your mailbox and be sure to reach out on my social media! 

You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter!

◗●◖l e t ' s     h e a l     t o g e t h e r ◗●◖

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