Balance Your Child and Grownup Brain || Mastering Consistency

Hi, hello, hola, aloha! 
Welcome back to another post on my blog!
I know I have been literally the most inconsistent person ever, but at this point, I think it's a good thing.

One of my New Year Resolutions is to be way more consistent, and although I may seem like I was lazing around, I was actually doing research.

How to actually get consistent, without falling in and out of a routine?

Turns out, our brains consist of 2 parts- The Child and The Grownup. 

Think of your body like a fleshy car, except it's The Child steering the vehicle. 

The Grownup is there to give advice.

Children generally don't like when you're aggressive with them in forcing them to do something that they really hate

The Grownup needs to be smart about it, in order to get The Child to do some good things, as opposed to eating candy while watching a ridiculous show, and well.. Not doing anything else. 

So, how do you get those two in sync? 

Read all about it down below:

1. Rewards all the way
I'm really not a person who is all for "reward yourself everytime you do the absolute smallest thing", but I am for balance. Make a reasonable reward system with rewards that are positive for your mind, body and soul. When you give a small treat to yourself, The Child gets a surge of the "happy feelings" and will feel more inclined to do more of the things which are on your to-do list. 

2. Positive pep talk
At the end of the day, talk positively to yourself. Avoid talking down on yourself for not doing one thing on your to-do list. Instead, try saying something like "I did this, this and this! Wow, that was a great job" or something along those lines. 
When you talk positively, you will think and feel positively about the items on your to-do list. That way, The Child will take on the tasks easier. 

3. Add one thing at a time
Now, I'm guilty of this. I love making a grand master game changer plan with 800 to-do items, and 300 habits I want to adopt and I want to adopt them now.
This is actually not a good thing. Your brain, or better yet- The Child, is lazy. He doesn't like big changes, he doesn't like sudden changes and going out of a routine (even if it is bad) is super difficult. 
In order to go around this, you need to add things slowly. 
On day one, maybe you clean the kitchen and do a batch of laundry. In your pep talk that day, think about how that wasn't so bad and how it actually felt good.
Then on day two, add waking up a bit earlier. Nothing too drastic.
Make the changes slowly. 

4. Track your progress
The Child gets a happy hit every time you color in a box in your habit tracker.
All jokes aside, it is a good idea to track progress somehow because you are adding habits and creating routines slowly. Use a planner, a white board, your notes app on your phone, or one of the habit tracking apps for your phone! 

There it is you guys, long waited consistency cheat sheet. 

I hope to post lots more than I did so far, but I was adding the little things into my daily routine, and now finally it was time to add writing back into the batch!
How have you guys been? Are you still on top of your New Year's Resolutions? 
Comment down below or reach out on my socials: 

You can find me here or here!

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
