Build your dream life || 3 Tools To Help You Visualize Your Best Life

 “Proper visualization by the exercise of concentration and willpower enables us to materialize thoughts, not only as dreams or visions in the mental realm but also as experiences in the material realm.” Paramahansa Yogananda

Hi guys and welcome back to my blog! 
In my last blog post, I talked to you about how to do things when you really don't feel like it. In that post, I shared with you 5 tricks that I found (and still find) super useful!
One of those tricks was VISUALIZING. 

With a quick hop over to the Google's dictionary, let's have a look at a definition of visualization:

"the formation of a mental image of something"

By forming an image in your head, you are visualizing!
Now, you may be thinking:
"Why the hell is this necessary?"
Well, there is a certain thing called law of attraction

What is law of attraction? 
Even though I'm kind of new with the whole concept, here's how I understood it:
What you think, you attract. 
By thinking about positive things, you are tuning your vibrations to a positive frequency. That way, the Universe sends you back more things with positive frequency, a.k.a. good things start to happen!

When I started on the whole law of attraction thing, I had difficulties visualizing positive things without overthinking and keeping my mind to positive thoughts.
Human brain is naturally negative, but there are ways to override this lil' bug in the mind!
Here are tips and tricks to help you visualize:

1. Keep a journal
I'm relatively new to keeping a journal. I did do it when I was younger, but it was more like "dear Diary, today I ate some ice cream...". What I'm thinking now is keeping an intentional journal
That way, not only does it sound more adult, it's also a strong tool for visualizing!
There is a lot of different prompts that you can find floating around the internet if you're struggling with writing.
Try to write about your goals, plans, ideas, and future life, but also to keep it super positive.
One thing I found helpful is to write it like somebody else will read it, and you have to tell them all about your plans and dreams. 
To make it easier to actually journal every day, set out your journal somewhere you will see it.
I like to start my day by visualizing my day, how I will work on my goals, as well as 3 things I am grateful for. You can choose whatever time works for you, but try to do it every day.
Over time and with consistency, journaling will come easier to you. 

2. Surround yourself with good people
It's so much easier to start thinking positive and to visualize if you are surrounded by people who are doing the same thing and have the same mindset like you.
I've seen this advice a lot over the internet, where everybody is like 
"Cut out the negative people"
I'm not gonna say to you that you need to cut ties with your best friend just because she is not into visualizing. 
What I will tell you is that if she's bringing you down about you visualizing, honey, you don't need that in your life.
Try to add in some new people who have the same vibes that you are trying to achieve.
It will make it much easier for you to visualize things if you can see them happening around you!

3. Vision boards
I am a big fan of vision boards. I am a very visual creature, I like seeing beautiful images, colors and aesthetics.
When making a vision board you have to think about 3 things:

a) how will you make it
There are different ways you can make a vision board. You can make it on a wall, like wall art. You can hang it on your fridge, your bathroom mirror. You can put it in your journal or in your planner. But you can also go digital, which is how I make them. I use Canva to make a moodboard that I can use as a wallpaper for my computer and I also use Pinterest to make different boards with pins that have the vibe I want to achieve

b) the idea behind it
When making a vision board, you have to have an idea about what you want to make. In order to make a proper vision board, you have to clearly see your goals. Is it losing weight? Is it creating your business? Is it getting a 4.0 GPA? Get your idea right (or ideas, you can include all of your goals in the vision board) before making it

c) the aesthetics behind it 
Now comes the fun part! Look up different pictures on different sites. I like to use Pinterest, because that's where I do make my vision boards but you can check out WeHeartIt (I am not sure, but I think you now have to pay to use the images, so do check that out!) or Instagram!
Use colors and images that really speak to you! 
For example, I have a long term goal to have a house and a garden. My images show cute cottages and beautiful vegetables. 
If you want to start working out, try to find beautiful pictures that make it seem pretty to you!

How is it going for me: 
Honestly, I am really enjoying it. I can see that I am overthinking less, as in I am thinking more positive. I don't think so much about what can go wrong, more so about what will go right! 
The more you do this, the easier it gets! 
Give it a try! What are some goals you want to visualize? 
Let me know down bellow or reach out to me on my social medias!

You can find me here or here !

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
