"If you’re bored with life – you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals." –Lou Holtz
Hi hello welcome back to my blog, where we sit around with hot cups of happy brew and discuss different ideas on improving our lives and make them as extraordinary as we all are!
If you just popped by, Blogtober is a series that I started on my blog, where I post daily content for the WHOLE month of October.
If you just popped by, Blogtober is a series that I started on my blog, where I post daily content for the WHOLE month of October.
In this post, I want to help you guys out in setting your goals and achieving them.
That really is the main thing this blog is all about, now that I think about it!
Goals are something all of us have.
That is what guides us to become the people we've always dreamed of being and it is what defines our every step that we take in our day-to-day life!
But, a goal is a double-edged sword, especially if it's not set in the proper way.
There is a special technique to goal setting, and it is called
''SMART is a mnemonic acronym, giving criteria to guide in the setting of objectives, for example in project management, employee-performance management and personal development.''
So, what does S.M.A.R.T. really stand for?
- Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
- Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
- Achievable (agreed, attainable).
- Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
- Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
So let's go step by step, shall we?
1. Specific
There are two types of goals. Vague and specific.
Here's an example of a vague goal-- I want to be more organized. I want to be more disciplined.
That sentence isn't really a goal, right? It's more like a statement, and that's where it ends.
We want more specific goals.
Using WH questions (who, what, when, where, why) will help you in making your goals specific.
I want to learn HTML so I can upgrade my blog and bring it to the next level by next year because blogging is important to me.

2. Measurable
If your goal is measurable, you will know when you've reached it.
If your goal is "to be more organized", how will you know when you've reached it? You are always more organized than someone, and always less organized that Marie Kondo.
By giving measure to your goal, you are allowing yourself to feel the motivation from reaching that goal inch by inch.
Here's an example of a measurable goal:
I want to be able to run 5k by the next year.
3. Achievable
Okay, this is something I am really guilty of. I set goals that are just not possible.
An unachievable goal would be for you to expect to run 5k in a week's time and you've never run before in your life. Or, expecting to be like Marie Kondo. Period. No one is like that woman! Jokes aside, it's important for you to be a bit realistic in your goal setting. It is totally achievable for you to run a 5k next year, if you train properly and with discipline.
4. Relevant
Make sure that the goal that you are setting matters to you. Setting a goal of getting into law school, just because your mom wants you to do that will set you up for failure right from the start. Every goal is important and right as long as the goal's theme matters to you! Your "why" for this goal has to be so strong that you really start to feel passion to complete it!
Ask yourself the following questions:
Why do I want to do/be like this? Will it help me down the road? Will it make me feel good down the road?
5. Time-bound
Every goal needs a deadline, otherwise you will feel too let loose and might not be as focused as you could.
You know that thing, if you have 10 things on your to-do list and you have 3 hours to do them, you will do them all in those 3 hours. But, if you just had 3 things to do in the same amount of time, you would do just those three things and nothing more. We humans depend on deadlines to complete things.
So, for your goal to be good and to be smart, set a deadline for yourself.
I want to organize my closet by tomorrow.
I want to run a marathon by the end of 2022.
I want to start a channel by March 2021.
There we go guys, how'd you like this post?
It seems to me that it's a bit different than what I usually write about, but I kind of like it?
It seems to me that it's a bit different than what I usually write about, but I kind of like it?
Let me know what you think either down bellow or on my socials: