Things to include in your planner || Blogtober #11

“Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” ― Dwight D. Eisenhower, former U.S. President

 Hey, hi, hello and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, a place where we drink comical amounts of coffee and discuss how we can make our lives just a bit better!

If you just popped by, Blogtober is a series that I started on my blog, where I post daily content for the WHOLE month of October.

I am someone who has used a planner since I was 12 years old.
I remember getting a Bratz notebook (sheesh, that's cringey) and a pen just to write down my homework.
Everybody was making fun of me, shit you not.
Nevertheless, I persisted in using a notebook, and that is a thing that I do to this day and it is something that I don't see myself stopping any time soon.

Over time, Bullet Journal system came to life! The dude that invented it (bless his soul!) made a revolution.
Up until this point, everybody was either using a planner or they just used spare pieces of paper to write their to-do list. If that.
With the bullet journal system showing to the time management scene, everybody started getting more into getting their time organized.
My little neat freak soul was singing from happiness!

Now, the bullet journal system became maybe even a bit too complicated for someone who is trying to decide if they want to try out the system.
So I've come to the rescue to help you guys see what I think are essentials, and what I include in my planner/bullet journal every single time!

1. Year overview
While it's not something that I use too often, it is a great way for you to have one place for things that happen just one time a year. In my year overview, I put birthdays, doctor appointments, weddings, and events of the similar fashion. 

2. Year vibe
Year vibe is a page that I started for myself, and I do this page regardless of when I start my notebook planner. In this page, I basically freestyle it, but it is a place where you write down a life map of sorts. 
Who you are, who you would like to be by the end of that said notebook. 
This is a place for you to include all the goals and things you want to do in that said time span

3. Monthly overview
My planner, which is created in the style of a bullet journal, has the month already laid out.
With monthly layouts, you have a lot of options to choose from.
This is another thing that I don't use every single day, but it is a nice place to have a glimpse into what your month may look like. You can put projects of that month there, the events from that year overview for that said month, and what goals you want to achieve by then. I also include my rent due date, my paycheck date, and GYST days.

4. Habit tracker + mood tracker
Trackers are something that I absolutely adore, and I've tried out all of them!
I tracked my sleep, my water, my work flows... Habit tracker is great if you get that dopamine hit from checking out a lil' box! 
Include all the habits which will lead you to your overall yearly goals. 
You can have as many as you want, and they can be cross-outs, number based tasks (water, coffee, sleep habits work like this) or a yes/no habit (if it is something that is just for you to track, such as did you get takeout that day)
Mood tracker is another thing you can get really creative with. This is a tracker I tried including so many times, but since I am someone who's mood changes every 15 seconds, I found it to be quite difficult to just color in one mood. 

5. Daily pages
This is where you write out your to-do list.
My planner comes with a combination of weekly and daily overview, hence why I didn't differentiate them in this post. If you need both, by all means- draw out both! 
In your daily pages you write every single thing that needs to be done that day. 
You can prioritize them however you want, by adding symbols, by coloring them, or by putting them top to bottom. I prefer to color code them and to organize them top to bottom.


My go-to for inspiration is Pinterest, as well as some IG creators. There are a lot of letter workers who post regularly on their Instagrams, so you can check there. But, without fail, you will find anything on Pinterest.
You can include doodles, lettering, patterns, washi tape, stickers, sticky notes... Anything that you want. 
If you do not want to do any of that, if you want to keep it plain and simple-- that is totally fine too! 
The whole point of this system is that you can whatever you want, with whatever tools you want. 

There you guys have it, my go-to pages for a planner beginner.
How'd you guys like this post? 

If you have any questions or suggestions you can find me on my socials! 

here or here

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
