How To Start Working Out and STICK To It || Healing Diary

Hi, hello, aloha, and welcome to each and every one of you precious souls! Welcome back for another post on my cheesy little corner of the vast internet!

How have you been? I feel like we don't talk to each other at all!
Don't be shy, let's be friends!

In my THAT GIRL post (the first one in the series), I wrote out a list of things that I am doing to become that girl. 

One of the things on the list is of course working out, and so far, I have been quite consistent with it. 

Over time, I got a few tricks and tips on how to stick to your workout schedule and make it easier. 

disclaimer: I am not a professional fitness trainer, nor a dietitian; this is only what I am doing and what is working for me. 

If all of this sounds interesting to you, then just keep on reading:

1. Go inwards first
Think about what kind of a person you are and what kind of physical activity could work for you. 
Maybe you're a great swimmer, or runner. Maybe you enjoy boxing or aerial yoga. 
Think about a physical exercise that speaks to your soul.
Another thing you need to think about is what kind of results do you want- do you want strength, endurance//stamina or flexibility? Maybe you just want the kick of endorphins from your workout. 
All of this will help you streamline what you actually want. 

2. Do. Your. Prep. Work. 
Prep work is equally important as actually working out. 
Prep work includes multiple things: 
- going to the doctor to do a check up to see if you can do your exercise of choice
- acquiring the equipment that you need for that exercise
-finding out if there are classes for that exercise in your town
-looking up some guides if you're gonna work out at home (like myself)
All of this prep work will help you out in actually being consistent. 
Let's be honest, if you do all of this, is it really gonna be easy to bail on that paid class that you just bought the new sports bra for? Didn't think so!

3. Write it down
Use a spare page in your planner to write down what you do on which day.
For example, my workouts look like this:
MON-FRI I do body weight exercises/ pilates  targeting different body groups each day
EVERY MORNING I do a yoga routine where I stretch and practice my inversions (thus strengthening my back and shoulders) 
On my workout page, I also have general "health tips" that I want to follow, such as quitting smoking, or how much water I want to drink, or what kind of food I want to intake. 
On this page, I also included my goals but more on the emotional/mental side- How do I want to feel while I work out or when I finish a work out? What is my long-term emotion I am chasing with this practice? 

4. The count down method
I swear by this technique. The count down method basically triggers the gun fire in a race. What you do is you count down "5...4....3....2....1" and once you are done you shoot up. 
It's super simple and ridiculously easy, but for some reason it seems to work. 
Any time I don't feel like working out, I count down and just go and do it. 

5. Only 5 minutes
Another technique that I use is "only five minutes". 
If I really don't feel like working out, I will say to myself :
"Okay, count down and then only 5 minutes of working out."
Five minutes is truly better than nothing, and if I still don't feel like working out, then I stop. 
But chances are that once I start, I usually finish my workout. 

There we go lil' pumpkins, my 5 tips on how to stick to working out! 
Do you workout? What do you do? 
What helps you workout when you don't feel like it? 
Let me know down below or find me on my social media links! 

You can find me on my Tik Tok, Instagram, or Twitter!

◗●◖l e t ' s     h e a l     t o g e t h e r ◗●◖

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