Hey there guys and welcome back to my blog!
Today, given that it's a Sunday, I decided to give you out some tips for a productive Sunday to kickstart your next work week properly!
I didn't always have a perfect routine for Sundays, in fact, I didn't have a routine for anything!
But, as a part of my personal challenge (more on that a bit later in the month *wink*) I decided to routinize as much of my chores as possible!
After working on my morning and evening routine, I decided to make a quality Sunday routine to get me going from Monday!
If this sounds like something you'd like to know more about, then just keep readin'!
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PART I- Morning things
There are a few things which I like to do in particular parts of the day and the following are my Sunday morning things:
1. Get your planner out
Sunday mornings are the times where I get my bullet journal out and prepare my weekly spread for the next week. I draw out the layout and then I fill it with important dates, to-do's, habit trackers, and so on and so forth. I guarantee you if I didn't do this on a Sunday and if I didn't prepare in advance my planner I probably (most likely) wouldn't use it throughout the week. And that just makes me feel stressed out.
So, my number one thing that I do on a Sunday is- getting my planner game on!
2. My Sunday to-do list
Along with preparing for the next week, I also write down like a million things that need to get done this Sunday. This includes things like laundry, dishes that have been in the fridge, grocery shopping list for the week... Basically any and every loose end that occurred during the past week that needs to be done today so that the loose ends don't migrate to the following week.
For this I dedicate a special page in my bullet journal because this list is long, but all of those things take me 30 minutes at most. I write them down so that it doesn't seem like too much, that I don't forget to do anything and also to see what I should do first!
3. Grocery haul
In the previous step, I told you that I write out the grocery list. Now, I suck at grocery hauls. I go to the supermarket and suddenly I transform into a five-year-old child who just wants to buy candy and pretty things. To avoid overspending and buying ridiculous amounts of unhealthy food, I write a grocery list.
I am just getting into meal prepping, so I am not too good at all of these things, but it's still a productive thing that I enjoy doing to prepare myself for the week. Right now, I will most likely have to go to the supermarket in a couple of days, but my goal is that I manage to organize it all so that I can go only one time a week! Fingers crossed guys!
PART II- Afternoon things
When I say afternoon, I mean like from 11 AM to 5 PM.
This is when I do the most intense productive work.
Below are listed some of them:
1. Cooking
Right after I come from the grocery store, I start meal prepping and making food for today and a couple of days in advance. For now, I am just making things that I already know how to make, but I have been looking for some inspo on Pinterest to see what else I could make! Cooking has been such a holistic experience for me in the past few weeks and it truly makes me feel good!
2. Tackling the giant to-do list that I created earlier
After I prep the food and it starts cooking, I will start working on the clean up of the apartment. I don't have any particular advice on doing this because I just see what is the most important thing to do (i.e. if I see that my office is the biggest mess hole from the whole apartment, I will start from there). I just use common sense and start going. And honestly, once you start going it isn't so bad so I usually cross off everything from the list by 4 PM.
3. Get some rest and relaxation
It might not seem too productive, but I wake up pretty early and during the workweek, I work a lot. My priorities during the week won't really include watching a movie or a TV show, so I always try to do that on a Sunday afternoon! It charges me up for the following week and it's just a habit that both I and my partner follow together! So it's a self-care thing but also a couple thing!
PART III- Night things
At night I like to do the more sit-down-and-chill things to prepare myself.
I will list some of them below!
1. Prepare for the next week's classes
I am a teacher and I have a strict schedule of 12 classes a day, 5 days a week.
That's a lot of classes. On Sundays, I like to glance at my schedule and see the upcoming lessons that I have. If it's an easier lesson that I am well familiar with, I don't do anything special. If it's a bit more difficult lesson or a lesson I am not familiar with, I prepare the material in advance (I can write about that if there any of you would like some tips for ESL teaching)
2. Get my personal hygiene together
I realize this sounds like I don't shower on a daily basis. I do, really.
But I don't shave, or do a face mask every day. I don't think anybody does on a daily basis.
So, I like to take out a chunk of my Sunday evening to prepare for the next week.
On most Sundays, I will shave, completely clean myself, do my nails, touch up my eyebrows, and do some sort of a face mask. It's something that makes me feel good both while I am doing it and the whole following week. It makes me feel important to myself if that makes sense.
3. Blog maintenance
This is a new thing that I am trying to incorporate. I really want to make this blog into a legit hobby that I work on more frequently. So I decided to devote a part of my Sunday to blogging duties like fixing any bugs, creating new content, tweaking anything, and being more present on social media.
There you guys have it, how'd you like the post?
Do you have any special things you do on a Sunday?
Let me know down below or you can find me on my socials:
Thank you for your attention!
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