Fall preparations || 4 things you can do to prepare for a new season

Hey, hi, hello! Long time no see! 

Welcome back to my little corner of the great wide webs, where we drink copious amounts of coffee whilst trying to get our crap in one neat pile! So far we've been doing good, and I am honestly proud of us you guys!

Somewhere in mid-August, I started getting mentally ready for fall. Sue me, I am a basic white chick, who loves her pumpkin everything, burnt orange, scented candles, and crisp air. Oh, and let's not forget the leaves! 

So, when September is just around the corner, I like to get myself in the 

''crisp air mode"

Alongside with the mindset (with which I don't think any of us have an issue, am I right?), I also like to prepare myself for the new season. I don't do this just for fall, I do this for every season. Think of it like spring cleaning, just more pretty! 

Without further ado, if you want to know what are some things I like to do to get myself ready for the change of season, then just keep on reading:


1. Clean.

Just like with spring cleaning, before any season I love to clean my whole apartment. Ever since I was a young teen, cleaning was something that was just therapeutic for me. I love the smell of lemon cleaning supplies, and I love having my mind drift to other places while being super productive! 

To do this in an organized way, make a list of things that need to get deep cleaned. 
I like to divide my list by rooms, but you can do this any way that you like. 
As long as it keeps you on track, and it motivates you to start, it's great!

2. Revamp things

Okay, I know that with the rise of the awareness of everybody on the planet about consumerism this isn't really a good sentence to say. And when I say it, I don't mean for you to go and buy absolutely everything that you see in the store unconsciously. 

But, make a list (here I go again...) of small things which you might need that will spark joy and that will get you in the fall mindset as well.

Maybe you ran out of candles? Maybe you want to buy one cozy sweater or blanket? Maybe you need to do a bigger purchase, such as a new desk or something else for your apartment? Whatever it is, put it on a list, and then make a ranking system for the list. Is it something that is truly important and you also want it? Or is it just a whim of yours, but it's not expensive and it's not damaging to the planet? Figure a system that works for you, and use up the sales that are going on with every change of the season!

3. Prepare your planner

I always write my posts with this idea that everybody uses planners. If you don't, I mean... How? Why? It's just so much easier to navigate life! I don't want to sound judgey, but seriously, my first and foremost advice is to get yourself a way to organize your plans, to-do's, thoughts, ideas, and everything in between.

Whether you got a new planner, or you are using your old one (which is also fine, please don't feel like you need to buy a new one every couple of months!), your planner is your private mind space. Kind of like an additional room in your house. 

Use this space. Plan out things that you want to do in the following month, write out a bucket list for the season, and then decorate it (if that's your thing).

Whenever I have free time, instead of mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, I take out my planner and doodle and write down ideas and notes. For fall, I decided to doodle leaves, coffee, pumpkins and foxes (they somehow really fit the fall season?) 

If you're using the bullet journal system, create spreads that you will actually use! For me that would be a mood tracker, a bucket list, and a list that I follow through when going on with my morning and evening routine (more on that in a future post ;) )

Now that you've set that up, your brain is nice and tidy and you are ready!

4. Decorate your apartment

It doesn't have to be big. Add a splash of orange somewhere, do a DIY project, put some pinecones in a glass bowl and put it on your table. Maybe get a new plant or some fresh flowers for your workspace.

These small things affect your mind. You will feel like you have a fresh start, and that way you will feel more motivated to work on your goals!

In this step, just let your creativity go! Relax and do what feels good for you and your space!

So there you have it. These are the things that I love to do to prepare for a new season! I do this for all of the seasons, and it just makes me feel like New Year but 4 times a year!

How did you like this post guys? Let me know in the comments down below, or you can chat me up on my social media! 

 You can find me here or here !

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
