Small things to make your life better

Hi guys and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where we drink coffee and think of different ways that we can improve our life!

And that is exactly what I want to talk about with you guys today!

Whenever we talk about changing our lives or making something different, we always talk about big things. I mean, whenever you read about how to change your life, people always tell you that you need to cut bangs, get a tattoo and move away to somewhere all the way across the planet!

And yes, sometimes, those things do help. But, more often than not, change comes from small things.

Look at it like this- if you move a plant to a better place, where it will get more sun it will feel better. But, if you don't water it daily, the plant will die.

The watering is the theme today! 

I've compiled a list of things that you can do on a day-to-day basis that will help you grow and overall feel better about yourself. 

If this sounds like something you might be interested in, then just keep on reading:


1. Drink water. (lol)
2. Stretch every day!
3. Sleep 8 hours
4. Invest in a good desk chair. Your back will thank you.
5. Go to regular doctor check-ups. 
6. Invest in a good bed. 
7. Breathe in fresh air daily.
8. Eat good, healthy foods that fuel you
9. Avoid processed foods
10. Lower toxic intake (alcohol, smoking etc)


1. Journal every day
2. Read books every day
3. Try to minimize toxic view time (anything that makes you
feel like crap)
4. Challenge your mind to work (study, crosswords, puzzle games)
5. Organize your time to lower stress
6. Organize your space for the same reason
7. Routines. Routines will help you keep a sane mind
8. Self-care. Invest in yourself, take care of your needs and your mind will
feel calm
9. Go outdoors. Staying cooped up in one corner of your apartment
will slowly kill your mind. Think of a plant that needs sun. Except you're the plant
10. Talk to loved ones. Often. About anything.


1. Make love. If that's your thing.
2. Make good food that make you think of home. 
3. Clean. It purifies the soul.
4. Dream. Daydream. Night dream. Plan your ideal life. Your Utopia. 
5. Make art. It doesn't matter if it sucks. It doesn't matter if it's music, painting or
decorating your pizza. 
6. Play with children. I'm talking from personal experience. They lift your frequency levels
7. Meditate. Calm yourself down. Ground yourself. 
8. Find your spiritual niche. Then honor it. It doesn't matter if you will kneel towards East, if you will say Hail Marys or if you will collect shiny rocks. Find it. Honor it.
9.  Feel your emotions. Don't suppress them. You're a fleshy bag filled with different emotions:
disgust, happiness, sorrow, anger, enlightenment
10. Try. Try your best at everything that you do. You trying makes everything fall in place slowly.
When you try to try, the trying usually makes something happen. Usually what you tried to try. 

There it is. It's a bit different post, yes, but I really felt the need to make this checklist so that (if no one else) I had the reminder for those gloomy days when everything feels wrong. 

How did you guys like this post? What would you add to it? Tell me down bellow or reach out on my socials!   

 You can find me here or here !

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
