Burnout 101 || How to recognize the signs of a burnout and how to help yourself

Dust sleeping on your bookshelf and all your plants are drying out
you are too busy to save yourself
is your mind heading for burnout?
Coffee rings on your bedside table
anxiety pills under your pillowcase
working round the clock to foot the bill
is there no time for breakfast these days?
Friends haven't seen you in a while
your phone is always out of reach
you're slowly forgetting how to smile
is your silence a figure of speech?
Life can sometimes seem to be unfair
but hoping is better than you think
send the message in a bottle if you dare
is it so hard to not force yourself to sink?
― Akash Mandal

Hi guys and welcome back to another post!
Today I wanted to talk about something that is (I think) very present in millennial and gen Z culture. 
Burnout is a thing that is very common, yet no one really talks about it. 
In a study, 23% of employees said they feel more burnout than not, while 44% percent they feel burnout sometimes. 
Those are big numbers, and most people I talked to said they had pretty much similar symptoms to myself.
Recently, I've started feeling quite a burnout (hence why I didn't write for a week) and it was a defeating feeling for me.
So, down below, you can find some of the symptoms so that you can recognize burnout in yourself as well as tips that help with burnout!


Burnout symptoms:
For me, burnout starts always in my body. Some of the symptoms I found common while talking to people are:
Body pains, headaches, fatigue, difficulty waking up or falling asleep

The next thing that comes is unbearable feelings of stress. It's so overwhelming that even mundane things feel just too much. Here are some other things that rush in at this point:
Constantly running to get things done, you stop feeling joy out of things you usually like, constant worry, difficulty to focus on tasks at hand

With stress and physical issues comes the backlash from other things. Changes in behavior are common at this stage, and some of them are: 
You have troubles seeing your friends, you can't focus on your partner, you bark at people or not talk to them at all, you stop caring about everyday chores


Okay, so now that you know how to recognize burnout, how do you treat it? 
I mean there must be some things you can do that can make you feel at least a bit better, right? Right. 
So, I made a list of things I found help me when I feel burnout.

Burnout treatments: 
First and foremost, burnout shows up when you are imbalanced in your work-life area. 
For that reason my first and only thing on the list is self-care. 
There are different ways you can practice self-care, and I've listed all of them down below: 

*physical self-care-> take a walk, workout, dance, run
*pampering self-care-> take a bath, skincare, paint your nails, whiten your teeth, etc
*mental self-care -> read, journal, write, watch a good movie, bake, take care of your plants, meditate
*social self-care -> meet with a friend, go on a date with your partner, call your mom
*organizational self-care -> organize your planner, clean your apartment, declutter your things
*hard-core self-care -> cut the bullshit with yourself, see what is wrong and see how you can make it right, cut toxicity out of your life, turn down the negative aspects as much as you can


Preventing burnout in the future:
This is another important thing I wanted to talk about to you guys.
There are ways you can prevent burnout from showing up, or at least to make the period in between two burnouts last longer! Here are things that will help you a ton with your overall mental health and keep your mind in shape as well as burnout at bay.


*make a schedule where it is all balanced out-work, hobbies, self-care, and productivity
*don't take your work home
*talk with your people about your things and share your problems
*alternatively, or along with that, write in your journal about how you feel
*maintain healthy habits- good food, good moves, good vibes
*routines will help you keep things running smooth
*for fucks sake, learn to say no to things. 
*regularly take breaks, days off, and mental checkup days
*if it all gets too much, find a counselor who can professionally help you out

There you guys have it, my extensive post about burnout and everything I've learned about it from my experience. 
Do you struggle with burnout? How do you feel when that happens? 
What do you like to do when burnout shows it's nasty head up? 

Let me know down below or find me on my socials: 

You can find me here or here!

Thank you for your attention! 

k e e p         g r o w i n g
